Funeral Ceremonies

Honour the Dead, Celebrate Life.

So many people today fear or avoid talking about death. But to be organised puts most fears to rest long before the plans are ever needed.

I have spent many happy hours celebrating happy events with brides and grooms and their families. Then one day, the unthinkable happened - one of my lovely brides passed away, and she had requested me as celebrant for her funeral. It was an honour that I have never forgotten, and each time I am asked to work with families, or the person who is dying, I am again reminded why I love this work. It is my passion.

Someone's funeral is just as special as their birth or their wedding day. For their family, it is a time to grieve, but also a time to celebrate the life of the person who was. So much heartache can be relieved by being organised beforehand, but if it hasn't been, you and your loved ones need someone compassionate, confident and patient to help you through a difficult time, so that hopefully you will feel little regret and can focus on healing.

I believe that a funeral can be a time filled with happy memories of lives well spent, expressing love and humour when hearts are weighed down by sadness.

Whether you want to arrange your funeral service many years in advance, or a few days beforehand; Or if you have suddenly found yourself having to make all the decisions now a loved one has passed with no plans in place - I can help you.

I cater for all faiths (or lack thereof), especially the pagan and alternative paths.

When Death comes Calling.

When Death comes calling
And lays upon your brow
Her icy fingers of stillness and silence
What will your reaction be?
As the warmth creeps from your flesh
And the colour fades from your vision
Will you fear and panic
For what you should have done?
Or will you let the winds of Time
Lift you up and off this Earth?
Will you hold her bloodless hand?
And embrace the shroud she brings
Listening to the one final thought
- I am ready.

- Nicole Blyth 2014

For Information regarding Pagan/Wiccan Last rites, Rituals or separate memorials, ideas, information and readings, please click one of the links below.

Funeral Information


Some ideas to get others involved in remembering your loved one by reading special passages.

Funeral Information

When Death Comes Calling.

Memorial Rituals & Ceremonies

Ideas on how to celebrate the life of the one who has passed.

Pagan Last Rite Services (pre and post death)

How to prepare for moving into the next life